
[Feature] Add custom 404 page

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Current Behavior

Currenty The 404 page is by default provided by gatsby

Desired Behavior

Use a custom 404 page with respect to website theme

Screenshots / Mockups


Acceptance Tests

Hey can you please assign me this issue?

Hey can you please assign me this issue?

Hey thanks for your interest in Contributing, However can I please make sure that you have successfully set up the website in your system?

Hey @Ghat0tkach I am trying to set this up in order to reproduce the issue but I am getting some errors when I run Gatsby Develop. Kindly confirm if you are getting these also or they are unique to me Thanks
Screenshot (13)

@Julietadeboye , have you used npm install first?

I know there are some errors , Within 2-3 days Ill be completely migrating to React from Gatsby . Every error will be resolved

Yeah, I ran npm install first.

@Ghat0tkach no actually...will set up and share a snap asap

@Ghat0tkach yeah I'm getting the same errors on my side. The GraphQL ones

Update: I'll migrate to Nextjs by this Sunday , Everything would be fine🙌

A little update : Migrated to Next , need final touchups

apologies to @Julietadeboye , Your pr got overriden . However You are free to raise another PR once Im done with proper stylings.
