
Simple spring mvc rest application

Instruction to execute an app:

  • Download source.
  • Run command mvn clean install.
  • Execute mvn tomcat7:run - it will run app on default port (8080)
  • If you wat to specify port, run following command: mvn tomcat7:run -Dmaven.tomcat.port=portNumber

Also, it's possible to execute app via jetty:

Instead of 3-4 steps above run command below

mvn jetty:run -Djetty.port=portNumber

Available URLs:

GET */springmvc/users - get all available users

GET */springmvc/users/{userId} - get user with specific ID

DELETE */springmvc/users/ - delete all users

DELETE */springmvc/users/{userId} - delete specific users with ID

PUT */springmvc/users/{userId} - update user by ID

POST */springmvc/users/ - create user

Example of request body { "username": "nazar", "email", "email@gmail.com", "password", "123qwe" }