
Extra space at bottom of document (mobile esp.)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I was using your plugin with a Bootstrap theme I am developing and i noticed that the portion of markup added to the document by the script from $("body").append(filterMarkup); seems to be adding a ridiculous amount of space (at least twice the length of the actual page content) to the bottom of the document when viewed in a mobile browser (safari and chrome on iPhone IOS7). There is also about 200px extra space at the bottom of the page in Chrome and FF on desktop.

In order to remove this, I added the following CSS:




I am not sure if the behavior I was experiencing was specific to my environment only, or if someone else has noticed it before. Either way, I thought I would share in case it can be of any help.

Thanks for making such an awesome and easy to use plugin!

Hi @shangpav thanks for your bug report. It should be fixed with new 0.0.3 release. Can you test your pages using the newest release? thanks

Perfect. I just tried the new release and it looks like everything is working great now. Thanks for your quick attention to this!