
Collection of useful tools found on the net


Collection of useful tools found on the net

Code 💻

Tools 🔧

  • ast-grep
    Like grep but can use the abstract syntax tree
  • ruff
    Python linter and code formatter
  • hgrep
    Grep with human-friendly search results

Frameworks/libs 📚

  • inquire
    A Rust library for building interactive prompts
  • u8g2
    Library for monochrome displays usable with ESP32 etc.

Documents 📄

  • Stirling-PDF
    Swiss army knife for pdf files
  • typst
    Markup-based typesetting system with syntax as simple as Markdown
  • marktext
    Markdown editor

System Utilities 🛠️

Themes 🎨

  • Gogh
    Collection of color schemes for various terminal emulators