
Some names in bg1npc_tiaxqst.tpa should be moved into bg1npc_tmp.tra

abalabokhin opened this issue · 4 comments

There are six names in the file
Belgin, Karris, Alvo, Leti, Zed, Mati. They cannot be translated as for now.
Is it possible to move them into (and for other languages as well) and have the references to them in bg1npc_tiaxqst.tpa?

Sounds like a good idea.

I already fixed it in my branch (we are revising Russian translation there, cause it is far from ideal): It should be ready in couple of month (hopefully sooner). Thus, pull request from me will include these names moving. Or you can do it by yourself and I will merge this change into my branch.

Close, since pull request with these changes is accepted.
