
Overwrite Reactables.jsx?

helloroad opened this issue · 4 comments

in Reactables.jsx is the width hardcoded?

<div className={styles.gt_container} style={{width: "1128px"}}>

How can I pass the new width without overwriting the whole class?
Is there any way to pass the value in the level?


Hi, it looks ugly - agree, it would be a good idea to pass the width via settings as u may think in the 1st place, but if u think of that in terms of UX you can see that there are difficulties in how to manage different width with adjustment of different columns, how to scale up/down them for different devices etc, do u have additional thoughts or probably solution for these problems chaining each other?

There will be the minimum columns length summed for ex.: if min columns width will be 800px and in settings 650px, the table width will get 800px, but the upper bound can be modified dynamically via settings.

I see. Thanks for the reply