
table display incorrectly after clicking the last page number at the bottom

xuanxiaodeyu opened this issue · 7 comments

table display incorrectly after clicking the last page number at the bottom

Hi, may I ask u a few questions?

  • incorrectly how in particular?
  • in what browser?
  • what the amount of pages?
  • how many entities it renders?
  • do u have screen-shots of that behavior?

this is the right page:
After I click the page 3, the data on the page 3 isn't displayed:
the browser is google chrome.

Are there >=101 rows in data?

Yes, there are 103 rows. The button 3 at the top of the page work properly but the button at the bottom doesn't. No data is displayed after clicking the page 3 button.

I've set 103 rows and pagination: ['bottom', 'top'] - works perfect with sorting and clicking on 3 page at the top and bottom. Could you post settings or video somewhere to see what happens in your case?

this is my settings:

let settings = {
    struct: {
        search: ['top', 'bottom'],
        rowsSelector: ['asc', 'top', 'bottom'],
        pagination: ['top', 'bottom'],
        fixedHeader: true, // default false
        editableCells: false, // default false
    lang: 'ch', // english default
    perPageRows: [25, 50, 100, 200, 500],
    defaultPerPage: 50,
    ajax: '/get_table_jxztpj',
    requestType: 'GET',
    columns: [
            data: "year",
            sortable: true,
            searchable: true

This video will show my problem to you:

I've tested with exactly the same amount of rows and settings, e.g. fixedHeader: true etc, also tried ch lang.
You can see results here: