
Training with age from scratch

ntkarim opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello thank you for the model you provided. I'm currently working on the age model with two classes and I trained adience as well on two classes and got 83.45% training accuracy. Then I'm trying to finetune that one with a dataset of mine and the training loss isn't going down and it stays static for all of 50k iteration. I kept the hyper parameters of the model the same as you have given. Should I try decreasing the bias_filler of conv2?

Thank you for your interest in our work.

When finetuning on your dataset, what was the learning rate that you used?


Hello. I was using 0.001 at first same as yours. But then decided to change it to 0.0001. It worked although the network is getting overfitted.

Does the validation loss decrease?

its decreasing but validation loss is increasing after a certain point. so Im guessing its because of the model being overfitted?

Exactly. You should stop training when the validation loss is at the minimum.