
'env' file/folder package not in the open sourced repository

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for open sourcing the code. It was truly intriguing to read through the paper.

I am trying to reproduce the results for the chemistry environment.
I can see that the tries to import ColorChangingRL from env in the following line:

from env import ColorChangingRL

However, in the repository I do not see any folders or files with the name 'env'.

In the README file you have mentioned that

"The released code only contains the Chemistry environment modified from this repo."

So I tried to use the ColorChangingRL class from the CausalMBRL repository (link: But I was not able to successfully execute the training script.

Could you provide some insights regarding this please?

Thank you!

Thanks for reporting the bug. The /env folder was filtered out by .gitignore. I added it back.