
Warning in Chrome Console

sergey-arhipenko opened this issue · 3 comments

When this package is used with Angular 10/11, the Angular framework produces a warning in the browser console:
The warning looks like this:

some_file.ts depends on 'typescript-json-serializer'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see:

Apparently there is some upgrade required to avoid potential performance issues with latest Angular versions.

Hi, yes with newer versions of Angular it happens.

Let me check if I can build my lib in different ways to satisfy everybody (CommonJs, Ecmascript, ...).

Hi, I deployed new 3.2.0 version which provides multiple js files. Angular will choose the correct one so don't worry about the new size of the lib, I guess other files will be ignored. 😊

Thank you Gillian, will check it out today