
Create class BaseTree

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Create an abstract class BaseTree to be used as a template for :

  • RegressionTree

  • ClassificationTree

  • Define the methods -> will be used as @abstractmethod

    • fit(self, X_features:np.array, y_features: np.array) -> self.root
    • create_node(self,X_features:np.array, y_features: np.array) -> Node()
    • get_split(self, X_features:np.array, y_features: np.array, splitting_value_index: int, splitting_value: float) -> Dict(key:str('left'):List, key:str('right'):List)
    • build_tree(self, node: Node(), current_depth: int) -> None
    • predict(self, X_test:np.array) -> np.array
  • Define the args

    • __init__(self, max_depth:int, min_sample_leaf:int,min_samples_split:int) -> None