
Connections list feature example

Primary LanguageKotlin

Connections list feature example

Connections list feature example. May be partly modified and used in your application if you need to get list of some user's connections with displaying distance from user to its connections.



An example app for getting list of files and directories on device was made as a job test task.

Application is built according to the principles of SOLID and Сlean architecture. MVVM is used as a design pattern. MVI based on MVVM and Kotlin Coroutines StateFlow and implemented via Orbit Multiplatform library

Tech Stack

DI, Async:




All application modules are presented in the diagram:

Application modules scheme

Application separated into different modules according to "core"-"feature" separation. Most of "feature" modules are divided into "api" and "implementation" to create an opportunity for different "feature" modules to be dependent from other "feature" modules via some "API" without certain implementation.


Connections List Connections List Chosen User

Connections List Permission Required Connections List GPS Not Enabled Error Connections List Work