SWMM LID component "Greenroof" type is missing!
stsfk opened this issue · 1 comments
stsfk commented
When I use GISWater to build one SWMM model, I found "Green Roof" can't be modeled.
"GR" and "DRAINAGE MAT" is not included in the pulldown menu.
xtorret commented
"GR" and "DRAINAGE MAT" are not included in the pulldown menu because this options are options of SWMM 5.1. As we explain on the web site of Giswater, we are waiting to EPA finish the improving of SWMM 5.1 (more than 8 releases in last moths) in order to fully adapt Giswater to SWMM 5.1. On the other hand, you can insert this values using SQL: INSERT INTO "SCHEMA_NAME"."inp_value_lidcontrol" VALUES ('GR'); INSERT INTO "SCHEMA_NAME"."inp_value_lidcontrol" VALUES ('DRAINMAT');