
mincut analysis returns all feratures giswater 2.1.x

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I put together a enough data to have a transmission line from a well to a pump out to some distribution and a subdivision. The system has valves, all open, some hydrants and junctions. When I do a mincut I will either get a return of all valves and pipes in the system or
"Geometry type (MultiLineString) does not match column type (MultiPolygon) CONTEXT: SQL statment "INSERT INTO anl_mincut_polygon VALUES('1',polygon_aux)" PL/pgSQL function wa_net.gw_fct_mincut(character varying, character varying) line 122 at SQL statment.
I compared my data to the sample data and it seems to have all the same fields and domains filled in, not sure what I might have done wrong. I will add that I have a large number of; junctions, valves, and hydrants in the data not connected to pipes yet; not sure if that would be causing issues or not.

Dear Taylor,
It's a bug of 2.1 version, Sometimes the construction of polygon it's done with multi approach. It was not easy to fix it. I thing the best solution is comment the lines of gw_fct_mincut function from114-127:

-- Contruct concave hull for included lines
polygon_aux := ST_Multi(ST_ConcaveHull(ST_Collect(ARRAY(SELECT the_geom FROM anl_mincut_arc)), 0.80));
-- Concave hull for not included lines
polygon_aux2 := ST_Multi(ST_Buffer(ST_Collect(ARRAY(SELECT the_geom FROM v_anl_arc WHERE arc_id NOT IN (SELECT a.arc_id FROM anl_mincut_arc AS a) AND ST_Intersects(the_geom, polygon_aux))), 1, 'join=mitre mitre_limit=1.0'));
--RAISE EXCEPTION 'Polygon = %', polygon_aux2;
-- Substract
IF polygon_aux2 IS NOT NULL THEN
polygon_aux := ST_Multi(ST_Difference(polygon_aux, polygon_aux2));
polygon_aux := polygon_aux;

I encourage you to use the 3.1 version. We don't provide support for 2.x version
3.x version will be supported and updated next 2 years at least.

Oh, I rolled back to giswater 2 because I thought it was easier to work with where it didn't ask for as much information and there was less required fields and domains.
I will try what you suggest and then try to go up to giswater 3.

We know.
We are translating the user's manual to english (31/12/2018) and also we are working to enhance the web adding technical information.
If you have some problems feel free request us. You can contact with us using my email address (