
gdal2tiles incorrect tilemapresource coordinates

Rrivera5127 opened this issue · 2 comments line 1543-1544 has incorrect values for the bounding box:
<BoundingBox minx="%(south).14f" miny="%(west).14f" maxx="%(north).14f" maxy="%(east).14f"/> <Origin x="%(south).14f" y="%(west).14f"/>

shoudld be:
<BoundingBox minx="%(west).14f" miny="%(south).14f" maxx="%(east).14f" maxy="%(north).14f"/> <Origin x="%(west).14f" y="%(south).14f"/>

Thanks, I will check it out. This isn't an area I changed from the regular gdal2tiles script included with Gdal, so it is possible the same bug exists there as well.

I checked GDAL 1.11.1_3 and it looks to be the correct bounding box