
Customizing text at top (beyond Parent Title)

Closed this issue · 5 comments

There are times when I am pulling highlights when I want to add a series of tags and metadata to the top of my highlights (while I can copy it in within roam, it would be nice to be able to save this as sometimes I want to repeat the structure for multiple articles I am highlighting). I tried simply adding tags in the "Parent Title for Highlights" box, but seems like it may not handle line breaks?

@mbtrillions did you make sure to click the "Add" button and give it a name (see GIF below)? If you do you can always switch to that tag structure in the future. It will be available for any website at any time. Even when you close and re-open your browser.


I am getting the impression though that this may not be your question/issue though? Could you maybe explain a little more what you are trying to do and take a screenshot showing me what it looks like? Thanks!

@mbtrillions oh great to hear! And I learned something actually! I didn't realize that my highlighter works with line breaks in the page title :-)

Closing issue as @mbtrillions said things are working as expected now.