
Copying text

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Hi I really love your highlighter so much easier to use than others I've tried thanks a bunch! I was just wondering is there a way to stop it copying the text that I highlight to my (windows) clipboard?

Hi @aooie3 ... thanks for the kind words. Do you mean you still want to highlight and have it show up in the extension sidebar but just NOT have it auto copy to the clipboard? Instead would you like a button that you have to click when you are ready to copy to the clipboard or something like that? If you could please clarify a bit your request and a proposed solution if you could have your perfect solution... then I can see if I can implement down the road when I do my next batch of updates.

Or if you just mean in general how to stop auto highlighting you can disable the auto highlighter with this checkbox and make sure to click Save. Then it will only highlight after you select text and press the ctrl + x shortcut key.


I'm really sorry I had a bit longer explanation written out but then accidentally deleted it and I really cant be bothered to write it all out nice again.

But in short, I only need to highlight the webpages for recipes/guides/manuals/lists so I can keep track what I have 'completed' without finding/remembering my place again.

When it copies of my highlights onto my windows clipboard for me it's just inconvenient

My suggestion would be to have another tickbox next to 'auto highlight' which is called 'auto copy' which toggles whether the highlights are automatically copied to the windows clipboard

When the toggle is disabled, I could still easily copy the highlight text on the sidebar by clicking on the text box and pressing ctrl + a, ctrl + c. Or you could add a 'copy' button to do that instead.

If I'm misinterpreting the point of the extension sorry, but yeah I don't really understand why every time the highlights are on the webpage they are all copied to the windows clipboard.

But yeah nbd! I will carry on using it still, thank you!

Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense. I will definitely add this feature the next time I do updates which unfortunately probably won't be for a few months with all the things I have going on right now.

As for this:

If I'm misinterpreting the point of the extension sorry, but yeah I don't really understand why every time the highlights are on the webpage they are all copied to the windows clipboard.

Oh yeah, maybe you have a different use case then most. Most people use this highlighter for note taking apps like Roam Research (hence the name of the extension is Roam-highlighter). So the main use case is you highlight stuff that you want copied so you can paste it quickly into a note take app like Roam Research, Obsidian, OneNote etc. So that is why it is auto copied to the clipboard.

Ah my bad on the misinterpreting it then yeah I've never heard of roam research I just thought it was a cool name :) but I get it now, kinda wish I knew about your highlighter when I was in university now. thanks for your help!