
GitLink.GitLinkException: Pdb header didn't match

jzeferino opened this issue · 7 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. gitlink.exe <pdbFile>

.NET version 4.5.2 under mono (OSX)
Gitlink 3.0.0 or 2.1.0

The pdb file was generated in Release with <DebugType>pdbonly</DebugType>

Actual behaviour

Pdb header didn't match
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: GitLink.GitLinkException: Pdb header didn't match
  at GitLink.Pdb.PdbFile.CheckPdbHeader () [0x00046] in <156ded793bc24bc890c4c0e71c6fac63>:0 
  at GitLink.Pdb.PdbFile..ctor (System.String path) [0x00090] in <156ded793bc24bc890c4c0e71c6fac63>:0 
  at GitLink.Linker.Link (System.String pdbPath, GitLink.LinkOptions options) [0x0004d] in <156ded793bc24bc890c4c0e71c6fac63>:0 
  at GitLink.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x000d2] in <156ded793bc24bc890c4c0e71c6fac63>:0 

Any suggestion?



Tested the same .pdb and gitlink version on windows and got:

Pdb header didn't match

Unhandled Exception: GitLink.GitLinkException: Pdb header didn't match
   at GitLink.Pdb.PdbFile.CheckPdbHeader()
   at GitLink.Pdb.PdbFile..ctor(String path)
   at GitLink.Linker.Link(String pdbPath, LinkOptions options)
   at GitLink.Program.Main(String[] args)

Are you sure your builds are creating pdb files? What is the target fx? New portable pdbs are not supported by GitLink.

@GeertvanHorrik I'm sure the pdb files exist.
Targeting .NET Framework 4.5.2.

Is the repo open source? Then I can have a look.

@GeertvanHorrik thank you for the answer.
The project is OS, but he GitLink is being used via Cake.
Anyway, to test it without Cake, you could Build Cake.AndroidAppManifest.csproj and use the GitLink.exe over the generated .pdb files.

This is the project:

@GeertvanHorrik any thoughts on that?

To be honest, no. I haven't had the chance to look into this, but personal stuff & (paid) work always have a higher priority than OSS, so haven't had any free time so far.

@GeertvanHorrik I understand. Just ping me if you have some more information.