
Mathematics - display should be allowed within paragraphs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Yup. That sounds contradictory, but due to the fact that it is accepted to treat mathematics as part of sentences, it totally makes sense for mathematical equations, even display/block mathematics, to be inside a paragraph.

Have a look at the image in this page to get the idea:

Here's a small discussion about it in MathJax google groups:!topic/mathjax-users/hnNmdpAm_4Q

From what I saw in kramed.js, it looks like you can only use double dollar signs $$ for maths delimiters: both display and inline, determined by whether it is separated from the paragraph or not. This could possibly be solved with/along with GitbookIO/plugin-mathjax#5.



I can help make a PR for this if it's something y'all are interested in, GistbookIO team.

In my experience (MS in Math, interest in typography), almost all display math occurs within a paragraph. For a concrete example from a physics book, see The Feynman Lectures. (I link to a specific example of five displays in one paragraph, but you can look at any display equation in that document.)

Within the gitbook editor, kramed seems to do what I want (accepting both inline equations and display equations in a paragraph), if I tweak the inline math regular expression to expect a single $ (matching pandoc's markdown).

@ErnWong kramed already accepts both inline and block math. I'm not sure what exactly isn't working as expected for you. Could you elaborate ?

@ErnWong Closing this, to keep things clean. We switched to $$ to disambiguate with single dollar signs $, so inline math should work with $$.

Let me know if this is not the case.