
Unable to launch the sample

Closed this issue · 3 comments

pcdus commented

I would like to know if it there is something to do to launch your sample?
I can build the 3 projects without any problem (PCL, iOS, Android), but there is an error on the main page when I'm trying to deploy the app on iOS or Android:

public Page CreateMainPage()
  // NB: This returns the opening page that the platform-specific
  // boilerplate code will look for. It will know to find us because
  // we've registered our AppBootstrapper as an IScreen.
  return new RoutedViewHost();

Thank you,

got the same problem. This is what i find in the exception:
Could not resolve type with token 0100000d (from typeref, class/assembly Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.XamlFilePathAttribute, Xamarin.Forms.Xaml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) Tried on iOS simulator(iphone 7, iOS 10.3.1) and android nexus 5x (api lvl 25).


Sorry for the delay guys. The issue you where facing is caused by fact that outdate Xamarin.Forms won't run on VS2017 and VSfM.
I have updated XF and RxUI versions. Now it's working!



Works like a charm. gonna studie the example when i have time again. Thnx!