
[REQUEST] Feature to hide manga entries with "all read" chapters

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(do not know if it's possible with SyncDex, just throwing it out there)

This feature would make browsing Mangadex significantly faster and would IMO be major quality of life improvement on for reading on Mangadex.
I do not need my follows/search/home page cluttered with manga I already read all chapters of.

Essentially this feature would add a global toggle to show/hide all manga entries everywhere on mangadex for entries of which the user has read all the chapters of.

e.g. I've read all the chapters of Tensei Slime, Arifureta, Kumo desu, Kage no Jitsu, etc. - it would hide all of these with single toggle on all mangadex pages like search/home/follows/mdlist/etc.

Essentially it's not only taking valuable space, but it also requires me to check every manga entry I follow manually for any unread chapters, instead of actually just showing me everything I haven't read already (follows or otherwise).

This seems possible to do, I already do that in any Chapter List, you can set which chapters get hidden (lower, higher and current) and there is a toggle if you still want to check them.

One of the problem will be "empty" pages, like there is currently, if you read all chapters in your follow list, it will hide all of them and display an empty page, and I can't do anything to change that.
There is no filter to select only the Titles you didn't read for example when opening a page, and SyncDex can only update what is displayed your screen.

The second problem would be to know when a Title is updated, and to "display" it again, not all pages have all informations and you would need to go to a specific page to know if it has new chapters.
The easiest example I can think of is the search page, if you read all of Tensei Slime for example, and search for it it would be hidden even if there is a new chapter, and you can know that there is a new chapter only if you go directly to it's Title page, or your Follow List, and maybe not on the first page if there was a lot of new releases and it ends up on the second page or more.

I don't know if what I just wrote is really a problem, since I wouldn't hide the Title on any of the pages that could show that it got updated (has a newer chapter than your last read).

So as long as you are fine with empty pages, and the possibility of not knowing that a new chapter is out I think it's possible to do what you want.

I don't know how you use MangaDex, but an alternative could be the History page, with the Bigger History and the auto refresh options enabled, this fetch your follow list and update the displayed cards if there is new chapters, altough I think it's not what you try to achieve here, you want to avoid seeing Titles you already know of no knowing when there is new chapters for them.