
Font size larger than editor

craigmdennis opened this issue · 2 comments

Great package, very useful.

When I trigger the preview, the font size is always bigger than the actual editor. I know there seems to have been an issue with this in the past with issue #5 and #6 but I'm not sure if this is related.

Let me know what you need to diagnose / fix this.

screen shot 2014-07-26 at 14 48 50

Thanks, @craigmdennis!

I am moving over to Preview for Atom which supports CoffeeScript and much, much more.
Your issue will continue from here: Glavin001/atom-preview#25

Please uninstall coffeescript-preview and install preview in Atom, and I'll be working on your issue soon :).

Thanks again for your support!

Ok, will do.