
Update preview when change tab

yongkangchen opened this issue · 13 comments

Hope for this feature.

Could you elaborate a little more?


I mean, when I switch file, the preview can auto update to show new file, will better for me.

Somewhat unrelated question, what are you using for recording and creating that animated .gif, @yongkangchen ?

Ahh, you're on Windows. I found gitgrabber that works on my Mac but I am always interested to see the other tools other developers use. Thanks!

OH wow I read the requirements and it said Windows and the screenshot was Windows and somehow completely missed the Mac requirement right below :P. Thanks!!

@yongkangchen just released 0.2.0 with this feature :). Enjoy!

Nice ~

Bug: title does not also update.

  • Update Title on tab change
  • Listening for content-modified events on the new tab (still listening for change events on old tab)