
Use Glimpse with an API Controller Action.

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Our app shows the HUB when a controller action returns a View() but not with when it returns Json().

  • Does Glimpse support display of the HUB in actions that return only Json()?
  • In other words, does Glimpse require a View in which to render its HUB.

To render HUD, yes it needs HTML to inject itself into. That said you should still be able to access the full client by going directly to the client URL (HUD provides this link when you click in the "G") and from there you should see both Json and Html based results.

Hi avan,
i have copied the url from the web app in which the HUD was working, till https://localhost:{port}/glimpse/client/index.html.I tried to change the api port number .It asked for metadata url of the Glimpse(by default it is being considerd as Base Url and "/metadta") In which every time it is displaying the No requests found even though i am invoking api endpoints.