
Monolith: Add AppInsights to server

nicolehaugen opened this issue · 1 comments

Implement App Insights for the server side of the monolith version of the map to track various app data points; we'll use this to show how to diagnose an issue.

For the purposes of the sample, we'll need to:
1.) Illustrate diagnosing a production issue by injecting an issue to show something like an unhandled exception and set up an alert to show diagnosing the issue.
2.) Show the app map to view a high-level depiction of architecture and general health.

Also, may need to show Azure monitor service (looks like basic service level monitoring apart of subscription); Jonathan will look into this and let us know if it's needed

Note: This work item includes the code implementation and writing the portion of the sample that covers this.

Estimate: 3 days

No longer doing the monolith version - closing.