
Problem with setting MKL libraryies

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear GlobalArrays cominuty,
I have tried install ga-5.6 with mkl intel studio 2018 on linux. But during configuration script dont find MKL.
I have used this command : ... --with-blas8=$MKLROOT --enable-i8 --prefix=$HOME/local/dga5.6
and i set MPICC = mpicc and MPIF77 = mpiifort as enviroment variable.

I second the request for the config.log, but also try --with-blas8=-mkl since you're using the intel compilers. I recall we added support for that special icc flag that enables the MKL that is packaged with the compiler.

Sorry for the delay. The BLAS/LAPACK configure options are looking for libraries, not paths. When using the Intel compiler, just use --with-blas8=-mkl.