
The test testing/perf fails: Assertion failed: (nproc == 2), function main, file testing/perf.c, line 42.

Closed this issue · 18 comments

FAIL: testing/perf
Assertion failed: (nproc == 2), function main, file testing/perf.c, line 42.

Version: 5.8.2
FreeBSD 13.2

how did you run the test? did you run the test with 2 processes, as required (or 3, if using MPI-PR)?

Tests are run with the make check command.

what was MPIEXEC set to when you ran make check? can you provide the total output, including the log files?

which is mpich-3.4.3


gmake  check-TESTS
gmake[5]: Entering directory '/usr/ports/devel/ga/work/ga-5.8.2/comex'
gmake[6]: Entering directory '/usr/ports/devel/ga/work/ga-5.8.2/comex'
FAIL: testing/perf
Assertion failed: (nproc == 2), function main, file testing/perf.c, line 42.
gmake[6]: *** [Makefile:1775: testing/perf.log] Abort trap

What log files can I provide?


I cannot reproduce on MacOS with ../configure MPICC=mpicc MPICXX=mpicxx MPIF77=mpifort --with-mpi-pr && make -j8 && make -j8 checkprogs && make check using MPICH 4.1.2. I know BSD is different, but not in ways that should matter here.

comex/testing/perf.log file doesn't exist.


okay, can you try running it manually with /usr/local/bin/mpiexec -n 2 ./comex/testing/perf.x or similar?

There's no file ./comex/testing/perf.x.

But /usr/local/bin/mpiexec -n 2 ./comex/testing/perf runs through successfully.

There's no file ./comex/testing/perf.x.

But /usr/local/bin/mpiexec -n 2 ./comex/testing/perf runs through successfully.

That happens because the test runs only with nproc=2 as the original error clearly states
#312 (comment)
Assertion failed: (nproc == 2), function main, file testing/perf.c, line 42.

assert(nproc == 2);

In other words, you need to set MPIEXEC="mpiexec -np 2"


The problem is that setting MPIEXEC="mpiexec -np 2" from outside of build or test (make check) commands doesn't change anything. This is a problem in the project's makefiles that MPIEXEC isn't used.

In fact, comex/Makefile already defines MPIEXEC = /usr/local/bin/mpirun -n %NP% but it somehow doesn't work.

I only call make check from the port, and it always fails.

@yurivict I am assuming this is what you are getting

$ uname -a
FreeBSD freebsd 13.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE releng/13.2-n254617-525ecfdad597 GENERIC amd64
[edo@freebsd ~/ga-build]$ make check 
make  check-recursive
Making check in comex
make  check-am
make     testing/perf  testing/perf_amo testing/perf_contig  testing/perf_strided testing/shift  testing/test
`testing/perf' is up to date.
`testing/perf_amo' is up to date.
`testing/perf_contig' is up to date.
`testing/perf_strided' is up to date.
`testing/shift' is up to date.
`testing/test' is up to date.
make  check-TESTS
FAIL: testing/perf
^C*** Error code 130
*** Signal 2
*** Signal 2
*** Signal 2
*** Signal 2
*** Signal 2

[edo@freebsd ~/ga-build]$ tail comex/testing/perf.log 

Assertion failed: (nproc == 2), function main, file ../../ga/comex/testing/perf.c, line 42.
Assertion failed: (nproc == 2), function main, file ../../ga/comex/testing/perf.c, line 42.
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node freebsd exited on signal 6 (Abort trap).

@yurivict Look at what happens when I specify
make check MPIEXEC='/usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 2'

[edo@freebsd ~/ga-build]$ uname -a
FreeBSD freebsd 13.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE releng/13.2-n254617-525ecfdad597 GENERIC amd64
[edo@freebsd ~/ga-build]$ make check  MPIEXEC='/usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 2'
make  check-recursive
Making check in comex
make  check-am
make     testing/perf  testing/perf_amo testing/perf_contig  testing/perf_strided testing/shift  testing/test
`testing/perf' is up to date.
`testing/perf_amo' is up to date.
`testing/perf_contig' is up to date.
`testing/perf_strided' is up to date.
`testing/shift' is up to date.
`testing/test' is up to date.
make  check-TESTS
PASS: testing/perf
[edo@freebsd ~/ga-build]$ head comex/testing/perf.log 
PASS: testing/perf (exit: 0)

msg size (bytes)     avg time (us)    avg b/w (MB/sec)
#PNNL comex Put Test
16		385.600000		0.041494
32		388.000000		0.082474
64		387.310000		0.165242
128		386.970000		0.330775
256		411.100000		0.622720


I run from the port's directory.

All the same command line arguments are set there now, but the tests fail:

cd /usr/ports/devel/ga && make test

(to check out the ports tree: sudo git clone /usr/ports)

Could you post the actual log of the command cd /usr/ports/devel/ga && make test?

It does not look right to me (unless I am not reading the log correctly)
MPIEXEC='/usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 2' needs to be an argument to gmake, not an environment variable.

gmake MPIEXEC='/usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 2'

MPIEXEC='/usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 2' is in TEST_ARGS which is arguments to gmake.

$ cd /usr/ports/devel/ga

edit Makefile, since I don't want to redo autoreconf

$ diff -u  Makefile
---	2023-07-27 11:01:11.978246000 -0700
+++ Makefile	2023-07-27 10:57:33.609524000 -0700
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ \
-USES=		autoreconf fortran gmake libtool localbase
+#USES=		autoreconf fortran gmake libtool localbase
+USES=		fortran gmake

Run make and the make test

$ make
$ make test

The output of ps wwww looks promising

$ ps wwww|grep gmak
58458  1  T    0:00.06 gmake -f Makefile MPIEXEC=/usr/local/bin/mpiexec -np 2 check
57558  1  T    0:00.05 gmake check-recursive
57563  1  T    0:00.01 gmake check
57564  1  T    0:00.01 gmake check-am
58281  1  T    0:00.01 gmake check-TESTS
58284  1  T    0:00.01 gmake test-suite.log TEST_LOGS=testing/perf.log testing/perf_contig.log testing/perf_strided.log testing/perf_amo.log testing/shift.log testing/test.log

Here is the log for make test

gmake  check-TESTS
gmake[5]: Entering directory '/usr/ports/devel/ga/work/ga-5.8.2/comex'
gmake[6]: Entering directory '/usr/ports/devel/ga/work/ga-5.8.2/comex'
PASS: testing/perf
PASS: testing/perf_contig

Bottom line for me: please use the vanilla 5.8.2 tarball