
Failed tests with Intel compilers

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I guess Intel compilers are not supported, but I'll report it just in case. I've tried with a few 15-17 versions, and there's always at least one failure, often more. For instance, with version 16.0.2 I get crashes in global/testing/g2test.x global/testing/ghosts.x global/testing/mmatrix.x global/testing/sprsmatmult.x global/testing/testmatmult.x global/testing/testspd.x

What I do, after checking out v5.6.1:

MKL_LINK_LINE="-L$MKLROOT/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_ilp64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64"
./configure MPICC=mpiicc MPIF77=mpiifort FFLAGS=-qopenmp CFLAGS=-qopenmp --enable-i8 --with-openib --with-blas8="$MKL_LINK_LINE" --prefix=$PWD/build
make check

Of course the problem could be something other than the compiler (MKL, "i8", openib...)

I've been building NWChem with Intel Fortran constantly since 2006 and am not aware of any GA issues specific to the Intel compiler. I suspect the issues you see are in the tests themselves, not the GA library, and I am hesitant to calling them compiler issues unless they compile and run with Fortran compilers besides GCC (i.e. gfortran) with standard-compliance enforcing flags.

The best way to drill down the source of the error is to use Netlib BLAS/LAPACK/ScaLAPACK and ARMCI_NETWORK=MPI-TS.

Please reopen this is it is still an issue.