Task Scheduling Library (tascel -- pronounced tassel) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCLAIMER ========== This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their employees, MAKES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, PRODUCT, SOFTWARE, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, OR REPRESENTS THAT ITS USE WOULD NOT INFRINGE PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ============== This software and its documentation were produced with United States Government support under Contract Number DE-AC06-76RLO-1830 awarded by the United States Department of Energy. The United States Government retains a paid-up non-exclusive, irrevocable worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, perform publicly and display publicly by or for the US Government, including the right to distribute to other US Government contractors. FOR THE IMPATIENT ================= The command:: ./configure && make && make install should compile the static tascel library (libtascel.a) and install headers and libraries to /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib, respectively. Please refer to the INSTALL file for generic build instructions. That is a good place to start if you are new to using "configure; make; make install" types of builds. Detailed instructions are covered later in this file. QUESTIONS/HELP/SUPPORT/BUG-REPORT ================================= email: hpctools@pnl.gov Please don't hesitate to send us an email. An archive of emails is available at: http://groups.google.com/group/hpctools WHERE IS THE DOCUMENTATION? =========================== The documentation, based on doxygen source code comments, is available in doc/ sub-directory. ABOUT THIS SOFTWARE =================== Tascel is a task scheduling library, compatible with MPI and ARMCI, that implements algorithms for dynamic load balancing. It builds upon the algorithms developed in the implementation of the SCIOTO library for dynamic load balancing. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE (ALPHABETICALLY) ==================================== - src (implementation of tascel algorithms) - examples (example programs using tascel) + scf (SCF algorithm implemented with tascel) - test (small test programs) - doc (documentation) - m4 (autoconf macros) - build-aux (autotools support scripts) HOW TO BUILD THE PACKAGE? ========================= Please refer to the INSTALL file for generic build instructions. That is a good place to start if you are new to using "configure; make; make install" types of builds.