
Telnet connection

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Hi there,
i am setting up a lab for Mirai.
Thanks for the published repo and scripts.

I got an issue, when running the mirai.dbg.
It seems like nothing, or the wrong things are written into the rdbuf. Therefor in Consume_user_prompt, when the code checks for ':' and 'ogin', these strings can't be found.
To debug the code, I changed Consume_user_prompt() the following:

static int consume_user_prompt(struct scanner_connection *conn)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("[scanner] start consume_user_prompt\n");
    char *pch;
    int i, prompt_ending = -1;

    for (i = conn->rdbuf_pos - 1; i > 0; i--)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("[scanner] FD%d  check if : is in buffer\n", conn->fd);
        if (conn->rdbuf_pos > 0){
            printf("Inhalt von conn->rdbuf vor ':'(Länge %d): \n", conn->rdbuf_pos);
            for (int i = 0; i < conn->rdbuf_pos; i++) {
                //if (isprint(conn->rdbuf[i]))
                    printf("%c", conn->rdbuf[i]);
                //    printf(".");

        if (conn->rdbuf[i] == ':' || conn->rdbuf[i] == '>' || conn->rdbuf[i] == '$' || conn->rdbuf[i] == '#' || conn->rdbuf[i] == '%')
        #ifdef DEBUG
            printf("[scanner] FD%d  : is in buffer\n", conn->fd);
            prompt_ending = i + 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
            printf("[scanner] prompt_ending = %d SHOULD BE -1\n", prompt_ending);
    if (prompt_ending == -1)
        int tmp;

        //check what is in rdbuf

        if (conn->rdbuf_pos > 0){
            printf("Inhalt von conn->rdbuf (Länge %d): \n", conn->rdbuf_pos);
            for (int i = 0; i < conn->rdbuf_pos; i++) {
                //if (isprint(conn->rdbuf[i]))
                    printf("%c", conn->rdbuf[i]);
                //    printf(".");

        if ((tmp = util_memsearch(conn->rdbuf, conn->rdbuf_pos, "ogin", 4)) != -1)
#ifdef DEBUG
            printf("[scanner] tmp for ogin = %d\n", tmp);
            prompt_ending = tmp;
        else if ((tmp = util_memsearch(conn->rdbuf, conn->rdbuf_pos, "enter", 5)) != -1)

#ifdef DEBUG
            printf("[scanner] tmp for enter = %d\n", tmp);
            prompt_ending = tmp;


    if (prompt_ending == -1)
        return 0;
        return prompt_ending;

Every help would be appreciated, Thx!