[ENH] Add a shortcut for pushing Lua Global Table to ILua interface
GlebChili opened this issue · 5 comments
Pushing Lua Global table to the stack requires a lot of boilerplate code like lua.PushSpecial(SPECIAL_TABLES.SPECIAL_GLOB)
. Since working with Global table is the most common operation in GmodDotNet modules, and use cases for other special Lua tables are rare, we should introduce a shortcut for pushing Global table for better developer experience and code readability.
Possible solution
Add ILua.PushGlobalTable()
to GmodNET.API
What if it will be GmodNET.API.Extras
namespace ILua
Just to keep ILua
I think it is not an extra, but rather a very important part of GmodDotNet experience.
Possible code implementation:
public void PushGlobalTable() => this.PushSpecial(SPECIAL_TABLES.SPECIAL_GLOB);
but i think about something like:
GlobalTable _G = new(lua);
Console.WriteLine(_G["SERVER"] as bool);
_G["PrintTable"](new []{1,2,3});
but i think about something like:
GlobalTable _G = new(lua); Console.WriteLine(_G["SERVER"] as bool); _G["print"]("message"); _G["PrintTable"](new []{1,2,3});
Using IDictionary to work with Lua tables is interesting, but naive implementation will only work for primitive types, like number and string.
but i think about something like:
GlobalTable _G = new(lua); Console.WriteLine(_G["SERVER"] as bool); _G["print"]("message"); _G["PrintTable"](new []{1,2,3});Using IDictionary to work with Lua tables is interesting, but naive implementation will only work for primitive types, like number and string.
GlobalTable _G = new(lua);
GluaDelegates.print print = (GluaDelegates.print)_G["print"];
GlobalTable _G = new(lua);
GluaDelegates.print print = _G.Get<GluaDelegates.print>("print");
also templates:
GlobalTable _G = new(lua);
GluaDelegates.print print = _G.Get<GluaDelegates.print>(); // use Type.Name;
or make a class what binds whole lua api to use like:
GlobalTable _G = new(lua);
string osname = _G.jit.os;
_G.print($"os is {osname}");
ILua class extension with ._G
// ILua lua
lua._G.MsgC(new Color(0, 255, 0, 255), "message");