
The promise reject doesn't really make sense...

nicroto opened this issue · 3 comments

Especially when you use the dialog from an async function - you will have to make the call inside of a try-catch block or you get a false error within the console when you cancel the confirm operation (because of the unhandled reject call).

That's correct... Do you have any idea how this can be improved? I'm thinking of resolving the promise with a property that takes the value false on rejection instead of rejecting the promise... Do let me know if you have a better idea.


I think it's the correct way as it correspond to what the user did: say "false" to the question prompted.

What is the reason the promise rejects with false? It seems to me that you'd reject a promise with either nothing or an error object. If it's not necessary, I'd suggest to remove the false from the rejection so we don't get a warning about an unhandled promise rejection.