Best way to set Bearer token dynamically in nuxt.config.js?
jimmiejackson414-zz opened this issue · 1 comments
jimmiejackson414-zz commented
Hey there,
Wondering what the best way is to set the Bearer token in nuxt.config.js?
I'm using another library called cookie-universal-nuxt to get/set cookies (where I'm storing the token). Here's what I currently have:
graphql: {
endpoint: process.env.NUXT_ENV_BACKEND_API_URL,
options: './apollo/config.js'
export default ({ $cookies }) => {
return {
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer: ${$cookies.get('gc_token')}`
This doesn't seem to be working at all though. Any ideas how to dynamically insert the token?
jimmiejackson414-zz commented
Ended up using the setHeaders
method on the my default layout, which removed the need to set it in nuxt.config:
created () {
const token = this.$cookies.get('gc_token');
this.$graphql.setHeaders({ authorization: `Bearer ${token}` });