
installer fails to restart Windows explorer

Paulothekid opened this issue · 3 comments


I've just tried to install Goobox and the installation stuck here :


Replace the values below with your own:

  • GUI Version: v0.1.2
  • Operating System: windows 8.1
  • Storage provider selected: StorJ

So I killed explorer.exe and relaunched it, and the I fall to the Welcome screen of Goobox.

I'm just reporting in case other people have the case.

Thank you for reporting it. The installer sometimes fails to restart Windows explorer. We're now investigating the causes.

Related to #96

@Paulothekid , @betaboot , could you please try this version, it should be fixed now: Windows dev build for release/v0.2.0 was uploaded to and let us know if the problem persists?. We'll close the issue for now but if you still have issues please respond to this issue so that we can open it again, thanks!.