
Permission denied Storj not work

ziomik opened this issue · 3 comments


Replace the values below with your own:

  • GUI Version: v0.1.3
  • Operating System: windows 10 64bit


If I go to the storj panel, I find a file from 361kb and not 0.5G. It does not seem to work .. I attach log

Thanks for reporting this!

I think the issue is here:

2018-02-24 09:59:39 [Thread-2] DEBUG o.dizitart.no2.internals.DataService - Notifying UPDATE event for items [ChangedItem(document={name=game-dungeonsanddragon, storjId=null, storjCreatedTime=0, storjSize=0, localModifiedTime=1519457101415, localSize=524288000, state=UPLOAD_FAILED, _id=6486977984820, _revision=3, _modified=1519462779299}, changeType=UPDATE, changeTimestamp=1519462779299)] from io.goobox.sync.storj.db.SyncFile
2018-02-24 09:59:39 [Thread-2] DEBUG o.dizitart.no2.internals.DataService - Returning write result WriteResultImpl(nitriteIdList=[[6486977984820]NO?]) for collection io.goobox.sync.storj.db.SyncFile
2018-02-24 09:59:39 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite - Unsaved changes committed successfully.
2018-02-24 09:59:39 [Thread-2] ERROR io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask - Upload failed: Permission denied (-13)
2018-02-24 09:59:39 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.CheckStateTask - Checking for changes
2018-02-24 09:59:39 [Thread-2] ERROR io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask - Upload failed: Permission denied (-13)

The strange thing is that the sync folder icon uploaded just fine:

018-02-24 09:59:31 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite - Unsaved changes committed successfully.
2018-02-24 09:59:31 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask - Uploading file desktop.ico
2018-02-24 09:59:31 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -     0%               0/0 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -     4%           16384/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    17%           65536/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    22%           81920/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    26%           98304/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    30%          114688/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    35%          131072/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    39%          147456/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    44%          163840/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    48%          180224/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    53%          196608/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    57%          212992/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    61%          229376/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    66%          245760/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    70%          262144/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    75%          278528/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    79%          294912/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    84%          311296/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    88%          327680/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    92%          344064/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -    97%          360448/370070 bytes
2018-02-24 09:59:37 [Thread-2] INFO  io.goobox.sync.storj.UploadFileTask -   100%          370070/370070 bytes

But then it won't upload the other file in there.

@kaloyan-raev , any ideas what might cause the error above^?,thanks.

The Permission Denied error usually means that the app has no permission by the OS to access the file.

@ziomik Does this issue happens with other files that you copy to F:\Box?

Could you provide us with a few screenshots? Please right-click on the F:\box\game-dungeonsanddragon file and select Properties.

  1. Take screenshot of the General tab.
  2. Take screenshot of the Security tab.
  3. Click on the Advanced button in the Security tab and take a screenshot of the dialog that will popup.

Other files have no problems.
Instead, this file was created with VeraCrypt and it is convenient for me to send encrypted data to the Storj network