
Can you please explain the purpose?

lorvent opened this issue · 3 comments


from looking at it, i can see this has lot of potential, but i am really not able to understand it properly.

can you please tell me what is the main purpose of it?

after downloading, i see that it is generating models and migration files,
is there anyway, generating views(blade files) aswell?


The purpose is to make coding easier.

See those doc in Model, it's generated automatically.


To generate views

  1. make a new Template
  2. make a new Layer called View
  3. set View's template to the one made in step 1
  4. go to File tab, you should see the View

Thanks for the explanation,
i will try.

Hi there,

I would like to comment that for me also it looks interesting but I also had trouble to understand the full potential of the code.

Perhaps an extra introduction in the README with a more verbose description would be helpful?

In the meantime I proceed exploring the potential of this ;)