
[v0.1.12b-dev] - Invalid subfolder endpoints

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Using the above version go to and click in any of the boxes I've circled


and you'll get taken to, respectively:

which all 404.

Clicking in the sidebar will take you to the correct endpoints:

Not present in v0.1.11b as the boxes weren't "clickable"

I've got Authelia providing access control on the /admin/* endpoint so my preference (and I think the "correct" solution would be to keep everything on /admin

Ahhh thank you! You are absolutely correct. This is an issue of "it worked on my machine, so I pushed it" but for development, I'm not hosting it behind the /admin endpoint.

I forgot the base path. Adding this:

import { base } from '$app/paths';

And changing:

			classes="border-solid border-[3px] border-l-[18px] {summary.border}"
			onclick={() => {


			classes="border-solid border-[3px] border-l-[18px] {summary.border}"
			onclick={() => {
				goto(base + summary.path);

Seems to have fixed it. Please re-pull the :dev image.

Thanks again!

Confirmed as fixed. Thanks @GoodiesHQ