
Private State Token Issuer Request - Chromium PST Demo Issuer

dvorak42 opened this issue · 1 comments

Issuer Name

Chromium PST Demo Issuer


Contact Email

Key Commitment Endpoint URL


Demo Issuer for testing Private State Tokens features.

Disclosure and Acknowledgement

  1. I understand the technical restrictions on key rotation frequency of 60 days in the PST API.
  2. I understand that my issuer registration will be valid for a period of six months after the key commitment is accepted, and that I will need to re-register in this repository following that six-month period.
  3. I understand that in the future renewing my registration for this API may have additional requirements, to reduce the risk of abuse by token issuers.

Key Commitment endpoint confirmed, adding with an expiry of 1700856258 (November 24th, 2023).