
New PST Issuer

Closed this issue · 7 comments

maceip commented

Issuer Name

Polyset Issuer


Contact Email

Key Commitment Endpoint URL


a public good identity provider offering federated credential management and private state tokens for all

Disclosure and Acknowledgement

  1. I understand the technical restrictions on key rotation frequency of 60 days in the PST API.
  2. I understand that my issuer registration will be valid for a period of six months after the key commitment is accepted, and that I will need to re-register in this repository following that six-month period.
  3. I understand that in the future renewing my registration for this API may have additional requirements, to reduce the risk of abuse by token issuers.

The endpoint does not seem to be serving any keys. Connections to it seem to be stuck loading.

maceip commented

should be functional now!

The keys seem to be okay, however the endpoint should be returning an "application/pst-issuer-directory" content-type/media-type on the key commitments ( to confirm that they're intended to be interpreted as key commitments.

Let me know when you've updated the endpoint and we can rerun the configuration.

maceip commented

The media-type has been updated 🧼

It looks like you're adding a "charset" parameter as part of the Content-Type, which is only valid for "text/" content types.

I'll raise whether ignoring the "charset" parameter is okay for this Content-Type, but if you can remove it from the content type on the endpoint, that might be the fastest way to resolve.

maceip commented

removed charset :shipit:

Your keys have been successfully parsed, they should now be available in Chrome via component updater (you can force an update if you have an up-to-date M114 with the feature enabled by going to chrome://components/ and hitting "Check for update" under Trust Token Key Commitments).