
Cache deleted on reload page

ptiswitz opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi everyone,

I'm facing a really strange issue and i need a little help.

I'm trying to cache some urls on the fly (user action). This point works well, all my urls which have the same base url (/rest/events/...), are inserted in the cache storage.

But when the page is reload only one is still there and the other one seem to be remove during the toolbox init phase.

Does anyone have an idea to solve this issue ?


can you share an example project or URL that shows this behavior?


Sorry for the delay but you can see the code on this gist

There is no live example, i'm sorry :)

I debug step by step the toolbox script and i found that during the active phase the renameCache function is called.

It's literally replace the "previous" cache by a new one without getting back any request stored in it.

Does it have a reason to do that ?

the activate phase means that the previous precached resources are no longer in use and can be deleted while the newly precached assets (which is performed in the install event) will be used now.

You might find a better option to achieve what you are doing as you're using toolbox and sw-precache to precache assets and I think you would be better suited to using a specific cache for your on the fly caching which I'm not sure how you can do that in sw-toolbox.