
type: module support for older browsers with worker-plugin

Closed this issue · 2 comments


First of all, thanks for worker-plugin - I'm really enjoying using it. I found myself pondering a question and the docs don't seem to answer it. So I thought I'd raise it as a question (and a great outcome of this issue could be me raising a docs PR so others get the benefit too)


const worker = new Worker('./foo.js', { type: 'module' });

I love { type: 'module' } because it provides the ability for standard import module syntax that I'm entirely used to. Honestly, I've never sufficiently understood importScripts, and given that I'm used to ES modules I'd rather stick with one way to do modules rather than two.

As I understand it, { type: 'module' } has only recently started being supported in Chrome and is only supported there so far. Most of my users aren't on the latest greatest Chrome.

Does worker-plugin require that { type: 'module' } is in the browser to work, or does it do some clever transpilation / shimming so that's not a problem?

Hi @johnnyreilly! Sorry for the slow reply.

Worker Plugin actually compiles { type:'module' } away and outputs standard non-module Workers, so the output is fully supported in IE10+.

Effectively, Worker Plugin just uses { type:'module' } as a way for you to indicate that the URL/filename of the worker is a module Webpack can then start bundling from.

Great news! Thanks!