
nvidia-driver-installer failed to build the driver

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We are following the instructions under We have minikube up and running and installed the addons. Both of them don't come up though.


Follow the tutorial. Check that the addons run successfully:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system

The init-container of kubectl-driver-installer fails. logs here:

Now this done not help a lot, so we copied /usr/local/nvidia/nvidia-installer.log:

3. Information to attach (optional if deemed irrelevant)

The graphics card is a NVIDIA Corporation GP102 [TITAN Xp] (rev a1). It is unbound from the via vfio-pci.
Minikube is the 1.5.2
Linux Kernel is 5.2.17, but the driver installer is using 4.19.76 (from minikube kvm2)

Can you pin to a driver version that builds?