
This script does not work with Python 3.5

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It is not possible to test if the code is compatible with Python 3.5 because this setup only works with Python 2.7

For instance, does import StringIO which is not valid on Python 3.5.


I've solved the issue with a workaround, however I'd appreciate having a Travis-independent solution for deployment readily available

language: python
sudo: required
dist: xenial
python: "3.7"

  - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_XXX_key -iv $encrypted_XXX_iv -in credentials.tar.gz.enc -out credentials.tar.gz -d
  - tar -xzf credentials.tar.gz
  - mkdir -p lib

  - pip install -r requirements.txt
  - pip install -r requirements-for-testing.txt

  - pytest && pytest test_e2e/

  provider: gae
  skip_cleanup: true # Skip cleanup so and vendored dependencies are still there
  keyfile: client-secret.json
  project: project-name
  default: true  # default project app version

+1 This repository has a number of python 3.x compatibility issues.
ie. urllib2 , StringIO and so on.
@google-admin Please close the repo or note the compatibility requirements

The source on the master branch has been updated for python 3. Thanks for reporting!