
firestore-vector-search does not work when pre-filtering boolean values

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[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your configuration

  • Extension name: firestore-vector-search
  • Extension version: 0.0.4

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

When trying to filter with boolean values, the Function crashes. Here is an example call that crashes (but works okay if we turn true into 'true' and false into 'false':

    const {getApp} = await import('firebase/app');
    const {getFunctions, httpsCallable} = await import('firebase/functions');

    const functions = getFunctions(getApp(), 'us-east4');
    const query = httpsCallable(functions, 'ext-firestore-vector-search-queryCallable');
    const res = await query({
        query: submissionText,
        limit: limit,
        prefilters: [
            {field: 'courseId', operator: '==', value: courseId},
            {field: 'exerciseId', operator: '==', value: exerciseId},
            {field: 'isTestRun', operator: '==', value: false},   // The extension seems to only support string values
            {field: 'isBest', operator: '==', value: true},          // The extension seems to only support string values
            {field: 'status', operator: '==', value: 'Solved'},
            // {field: 'createdAt', operator: '<=', value: createdAt},      (The extension does not allow this currently)
    console.log('Got similar submissions:', res);

Steps to reproduce:

Any pre-filtering based on the boolean values seems to crash the queryCallable Function (4xx error).

Expected result

It should work fine with boolean values.

Actual result

The queryCallable crashes