
PHP Stacktrace omits newlines

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Hello. I have PHP stacktrace combined, but the plugin breaks newlines, so the stack output is on one line always. How to fix?

  @type forward
  @label @RAW
<label @RAW>
    <match **>
      @type detect_exceptions
      @label @STACKED
      message log
      multiline_flush_interval 1
<label @STACKED>
    <match **>
            @type stdout

This plugin was designed to work with in_tail, which retains newlines in each record. What's on the other side of your in_forward? You should make sure that the forwarder also retains newlines.

What's on the other side of your in_forward

It's docker fluentd driver stdout of container running PHP. The latter sends newlines, but the driver send an event for each line without break.

Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea838

I am facing the same issue with kubernetes containerd runtime. Container stacktrace logs' new lines are omitted.

I'm using in_tail to monitor kubernetes container logs and I'm having the same issue. New lines are not preserved in the stacktrace.

The following python output with multiple lines

Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                    
  File "/", line 14, in <module>                                                                                    
  File "/", line 4, in func1                                                                                        
  File "/", line 8, in func2                                                                                        
  File "/", line 12, in func3                                                                                       
    raise Exception("meu erro")                                                                                                       
Exception: meu erro                                                                                                                   

... results in the following log message collected by fluentd:

Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/", line 14, in <module>    func1()  File "/", line 4, in func1    func2()  File "/", line 8, in func2    func3()  File "/", line 12, in func3    raise Exception("meu erro")Exception: meu erro

This is my fluentd.conf.

fluentd.conf: |
    # suppress_repeated_stacktrace true
    # ignore_repeated_log_interval 5m

  <match fluentd.**>
    @type null

    @type tail
    @id in_tail_container_logs
    path /var/log/containers/*.log
    pos_file /var/log/fluentd-containers.log.pos
    tag kubernetes.*
    read_from_head true
    follow_inodes true
    refresh_interval 5
        @type cri

  # The gelf plugin assumes input in utf-8
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
    char_encoding utf-8

  # Ignora linhas em branco
  <filter **>
    @type grep
      key message
      pattern ^\n$

  ## Adiciona metadados do Kubernetes nos logs
  <filter kubernetes.var.log.containers.**>
    @type kubernetes_metadata
    annotation_match '[ "fluentd.+" ]'

  ## Nginx Ingress Controller
  <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.frontend-ingress-nginx-controller-**>
    @type gelf
    host "graylog-deploy-udp.logging"
    port "12401"
    protocol "udp"
    include_tag_key true
      flush_thread_count 10
      flush_interval 5s
      total_limit_size 1024MB
      retry_max_interval 30
      retry_forever true

  ## Plugin: concat
  ## Funciona bem para Glassfish
  <filter kubernetes.var.log.containers.**>
    @type concat
    key message
    multiline_start_regexp /^\[/
    multiline_end_regexp /\]$/

  ## Plugin: detect_exceptions
  ## Funciona bem para Wildfly e várias aplicações Java
  ## Não funciona bem para o Glassfish.
  <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**>
    @type detect_exceptions
    message message
    multiline_flush_interval 5s
    remove_tag_prefix kubernetes

  <match **>
    @type gelf
    @id out_graylog
    @log_level info
    include_tag_key true
    host "graylog-deploy-udp.logging"
    port "12400"
    protocol "udp"
      flush_thread_count 10
      flush_interval 5s
      total_limit_size 1024MB
      retry_max_interval 30
      retry_forever true

Could this be related to the order in which the filters are placed?


Just found the new option: force_line_breaks. This fixed the issue for me :D

  <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**>
    @type detect_exceptions
    message message
    force_line_breaks true
    multiline_flush_interval 5s
    remove_tag_prefix kubernetes