
Issues with gcloud --entrypoint flag and F# type names

absolutejam opened this issue · 7 comments


I've just begun playing with this suite of libraries and I've got a super minimal pub-sub function I want to deploy.

Unfortunately, I seem to have hit the snag wherein the full 'function' name which must be used is actually ClusterNotifications.Function+CloudFunction, where ClusterNotifications.Function is the module and the type is CloudFunction.

This is not allowed as:

ERROR: (gcloud.functions.deploy) argument --entry-point: Invalid value 'ClusterNotifications.Function+CloudFunction': Entry point name must contain only Latin letters (lower- or upper-case), digits, dot (.) and underscore (_), and must be at most 128 characters long. It can neither begin nor end with a dot (.), nor contain two consecutive dots (..).

This poses a bit of a blocker as F# type names as presented to C# may have symbols in them such as +, and this is not configurable (it's just for interop).

Hmm. That's a really nasty one. That constraint around the entry point isn't anything I can control from this repo. I hope this is something that can be fixed relatively easily internally, but I don't know for sure.

What I could do within this repo is say "if the entry point contains an underscore, then try it with the underscore, but also try replacing the underscore with +". I'd rather not do that, but it's at least an option.

I'm on vacation until Monday, but I'll get in contact with the team and see what we can do.

Thanks for replying. I assumed it was coming directly from the cloud functions API, but I thought it was best to raise it here for awareness.

Thanks for your work on these libraries; I've been wanting to try out cloud functions with F# for a while but didn't want to deal with all the ceremony 👍

Enjoy the rest of your vacation 😄

After a suggestion from the F# slack, if I simply put my type in a namespace, it seems to work, as:

namespace Foo

type Bar () =
    // stuff...

Makes the type name Foo.Bar - The + is only present when a type is within a module.

Overall, it'd be nice to see the restriction removed, but perhaps this should be documented as a work-around for F#? It's not too much of a hinderance as I'm guessing any F# implementations would simply be providing a type as a wrapper for other functions anyway and I haven't looked at implementing a more idiomatic wrapper yet.

Ah, that's really good to know, thanks. Yes, I'll document that once I've worked out where it should go :) (And I'd still like to get rid of the restriction, of course. Ideally I want to make the entry point optional anyway...)

I've just hit this too.

It looks like the restriction has now been lifted. I haven't tried with F#, but here's a C# example I've successfully deployed:

using Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Issue179
    public class Outer
         public class Function : IHttpFunction
            /// <summary>
            /// Logic for your function goes here.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="context">The HTTP context, containing the request and the response.</param>
            /// <returns>A task representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
            public async Task HandleAsync(HttpContext context)
                await context.Response.WriteAsync($"Hello, Functions Framework from {GetType().FullName}");

The entry point is Issue179.Outer+Function so that looks like it would work in the F# case too.