
Issues with FunctionsFramework::cloudEvent()

Opened this issue · 1 comments

xtfer commented

Having issues with FunctionsFramework::cloudEvent() when running in Cloud Functions (but not locally) as documented at

I'm calling the following:

FunctionsFramework::cloudEvent('eventarc-event-name', 'myFunctionName');

function myFunctionName(\CloudEvents\V1\CloudEventInterface $event)

This runs locally, but when I run it on Cloud Run the it tells me I have to hint Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEvent, but if I do that it wants CloudEventInterface instead. Putting either results in the other being required.

PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: Your function must have "Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEvent" as the typehint for the first argument in /workspace/vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/src/CloudEventFunctionWrapper.php:65

I can't repeat this locally. FunctionsFramework calls the following, which locally always forces CloudEventInterface, and I can debug this right through to the Reflection check on line 71 of CloudEventFunctionWrapper

public static function cloudEvent(string $name, callable $fn)
        Invoker::registerFunction($name, new CloudEventFunctionWrapper($fn, true));

If I do both (which seems probably unintended and wrong anyway), I get the following error:

PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName() in /workspace/vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/src/CloudEventFunctionWrapper.php:75 Stack trace: #0 /workspace/vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/src/FunctionValidationTrait.php(43): Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEventFunctionWrapper->validateFirstParameter(Object(ReflectionParameter)) #1 /workspace/vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/src/CloudEventFunctionWrapper.php(58): Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEventFunctionWrapper->validateFunctionSignature(Object(ReflectionFunction)) #2 /workspace/vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/src/FunctionsFramework.php(35): Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEventFunctionWrapper->__construct('dicomwebImport', true) #3 /workspace/index.php(11): Google\CloudFunctions\FunctionsFramework::cloudEvent('transport-reque...', 'dicomwebImport') #4 /workspace/vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/router.php(37): require_once('/workspace/inde...')

I'm not even sure how to proceed here, as this is the officially documented approach, but doesn't appear in the readme for this project at all.

xtfer commented

I may have found the issue.

FunctionsFramework::cloudEvent($target, true) marshals to the \CloudEvents\V1\CloudEventInterface() (second parameter is true), but when the function is actually run via the Invoker, line 59, it marshals to \Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEvent() (second parameter is false).

$this->function = new CloudEventFunctionWrapper($target, false);

So it is not possible to call FunctionsFramework::cloudEvent() as documented, since a function parameter can't have both types (or, at least, this specific implementation can't read more than one).

I'm wondering if the use of \Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEvent() is incorrect, and it should be \CloudEvents\V1\CloudEvent().