
failed to find the sidecar container in Pod spec

DattatrayHinge opened this issue · 16 comments

I am trying to use examples/static/pv-pvc-deployment.yaml
but when I describe the pod getting below error

MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "gcs-fuse-csi-pv" : rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = failed to find the sidecar container in Pod spec

Hi @DattatrayHinge , could you check if you put the Pod annotation gke-gcsfuse/volumes: "true"?

Hi @DattatrayHinge , please use the annotation gke-gcsfuse/ephemeral-storage-limit: 1Gi to lower the sidecar container ephemeral storage and retry. See for details

Hi @DattatrayHinge ,

Yes, please find the solution on the GKE doc:

If you use a Security Context for your Pod or container, or if your container image uses a non-root user or group, you must set the uid and gid mount flags. You also need to use the file-mode and dir-mode mount flags to set the file system permissions. Note that you cannot run chmod, chown, or chgrp commands against a Cloud Storage FUSE file system, so uid, gid, file-mode and dir-mode mount flags are necessary to provide access to a non-root user or group.

HI @songjiaxun , i am facing the rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = failed to find the sidecar container in Pod spec while implementation GCS-CSI Driver and its working fine with nginx pod but not working with deployment yaml.

Note - annotations already added.

Kindly help here.

Hi @guru91197 , can you share the deployment yaml? Please note that for deployment yaml, the annotation needs to be added under the spec.template.metadata.annotations field.

Hi @DattatrayHinge, are you facing the same issue as @guru91197 reported?

Can you double check if the annotations are under spec.template.metadata.annotations in a deployment spec? Note that it is not under the deployment annotations, it's under the Pod template annotations.

@DattatrayHinge I don't think the yaml is attached.

Hi @DattatrayHinge I guess GitHub does not allow you to attach an image via email. Can you share the spec yaml directly?

I have been using the driver in existing deployments since Oct 2023 and the annotation was in spec.metadata.annotations. When did it move to spec.template.metadata.annotations? I spent several hours trying to debug a new deployment until I found this thread and moved the annotation to spec.template.metadata.annotations. Now it works!

I have been using the driver in existing deployments since Oct 2023 and the annotation was in spec.metadata.annotations. When did it move to spec.template.metadata.annotations? I spent several hours trying to debug a new deployment until I found this thread and moved the annotation to spec.template.metadata.annotations. Now it works!

I am sorry, I double-checked and the definition in my previous deployments was in spec.template.metadata.annotations.