
Unable to use TLS 1.3

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The default certificate created uses TLS 1.2. Is there any way to use TLS 1.3?

TLS 1.3 is much faster and browser support is much better than before

I believe that the certificate that is provisioned can be used with different versions of TLS protocol, including 1.3. The choice of protocol version should be done on load balancer, though, which in this case is GKE Ingress. As far as I know this is usually done via SSL policies and most probably TLS 1.3. is not yet supported.

@krzykwas yes, I think TLS 1.3 is not supported yet. Wonder why they're not upgrading it!

Even though I have been working closely with the team responsible for GKE Ingress, I will not speculate about their priorities, please ask them.

@krzykwas ok. But where can I ask them?

You could ask on github, Ingress GKE, or through Google support, maybe?